Appendix C: Evaluation of Potential Health Hazards Associated with IRP Sites

Evaluation of Potential Health Hazards Associated with IRP Sites
IRP Site No. Site Description Contaminated Media Corrective Activities and Current Status ATSDR Evaluation of Public Health Hazards
1 (2) Landfill 1 (LF-1) Original base landfill from 1953 to 1961. Contained domestic solid wastes, construction debris as well as some hazardous and petroleum wastes Groundwater A groundwater management zone (GMZ) was established around the site to prevent use of groundwater. Groundwater and surface water at the site is under a long-term monitoring plan (LTM). Contaminants in groundwater will naturally attenuate over time. No use of groundwater. Institutional controls are in place to prevent exposures. Site is categorized as no public health hazard.
2 (1) Landfill 2 (LF-2) Operated from 1960 to 1962. Contained domestic solid wastes, construction debris as well as some hazardous and petroleum wastes. Groundwater, soil. Soil and solid waste was removed and consolidated in landfill 5 to satisfy NH state landfill closure requirements. The results of the remedial investigation indicated no contamination exceeding groundwater standards. Site is categorized as no public health hazard.
3 (1) Landfill 3 (LF-3) Originally thought to have been in operation from 1962-1963, but aerial photographs showed no indication that the site existed. None No existence of site, therefore no further action. No use of groundwater. Soil contamination is below levels of concern. Institutional controls are in place to prevent exposures. Site is categorized as no public health hazard.
4 (1) Landfill 4 (LF-4) Operated from early 1950s to the 1970s to contain domestic solid and industrial wastes. Groundwater, soil Soil and solid waste was removed and consolidated in landfill 5 to satisfy NH state landfill closure requirements. The results of the remedial investigation indicated no contamination exceeding groundwater standards. Site is categorized as no public health hazard.
5 (1) Landfill 5 (LF-5) Primary base landfill, operating from 1964 to 1979 to contain domestic solid waste, industrial wastes and sludge. Groundwater, soil. A study of landfill 5 was completed and a remedy selected in 1993 calling for excavation and consolidation of buried wastes to a dry area above the water table, followed by construction of an impermeable cap. Construction activities were completed in 1996. The site is under a long-term monitoring plan (LTM) for surface water, groundwater and sediment. Institutional controls are in place to prevent the use of groundwater or excavation into the landfill. Contamination will naturally attenuate over time. No use of groundwater. Soil contamination is below levels of concern. Institutional controls are in place to prevent exposures. Site is categorized as no public health hazard.
6 (4) Landfill 6 (LF-6) Used from 1970 to 1974 for the disposal of domestic, industrial and medical waste materials. Groundwater, soil Soil and solid waste was removed and consolidated in landfill 5 in accordance with the Zone 4 ROD. Institutional controls are in place to prevent use of groundwater. No use of groundwater. Soil contamination removed.. Institutional controls are in place to prevent exposures. Site is categorized as no public health hazard
7 (2) Fire Department Training Area 1 (FDTA-1) Burn area used from 1956 to1961 to teach fire fighting. Training fires were fueled by waste oils, waste solvents and fuels. Soil Low levels of soil contamination did not pose health risks. The site was recommended for no further action. Soil contamination is below levels of concern. Site is considered no public health hazard.
8 (5) Fire Department Training Area 2 (FDTA-2) Burn area used from 1956 to1961 to teach fire fighting. Training fires were fueled by waste oils, waste solvents and fuels. Post 1971 recovered JP-4 fuel was burned for training fires. Soil, groundwater Contaminated soils were removed from the site during an interim remedial action. A groundwater extraction and treatment system was installed to treat contaminated groundwater. A soil vapor extraction system and asphalt cap were later added as part of the remedy defined in the ROD for Site 8. A GMZ was established around the site to prevent use of contaminated groundwater. Off-base migration of groundwater contamination underlies a forested area on the national registry of historic places. Groundwater is under a LTM plan. Soil contamination is below levels of concern. No exposure to contaminated groundwater is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent exposure to groundwater contaminants. No wells are or will be established in the area of contaminated groundwater beyond the base boundary. The groundwater treatment system is designed to intercept and remove contaminants moving beyond the base boundary. The groundwater plume underlying the Newington Town Forest will naturally attenuate over time. This site is categorized as no public health hazard.
9 (5) Construction Rubble Dump 1 (CRD-1) Disposal site for construction debris, including asphalt, concrete, wood, brush and scrap metal. Groundwater The results of the remedial investigation indicated that groundwater contaminants are below levels of concern for health risk. The site was designated for no further action. In 1995 the site was capped according to NH state landfill closure requirements. Groundwater is under a LTM plan. No exposure to contaminants in groundwater is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent installation of wells or excavation into the landfill resulting in exposure to site contamination. The site is categorized as no public health hazard.
10 (2) Leaded Fuel Tank Sludge Disposal Area (LFTS) In operation from late 1950s-1978 for the disposal of sludges cleaned from leaded aviation (AVGAS) fuel storage tanks. Soil, groundwater As a result of the remedial investigation (RI) it was determined that soil contamination did not pose a risk. A GMZ was established to prevent exposure to groundwater contamination. Groundwater is under a LTM plan. Soil contamination is below levels of concern. No exposure to groundwater is occurring. Institutional controls will prevent future exposure to site contaminants. The site is categorized as no public health hazard
11 (5) FMS Equipment Cleaning Site (FMS) Intermittent waste solvent disposal site. In use until 1971. Soil, groundwater No further action was selected for this site based upon the levels of soil and groundwater contamination not exceeding regulatory standards or levels of concern for health risk. No exposure is occurring. Groundwater is not in use at this site. Contamination are below levels of concern. This site poses no public health hazard.
12 (6) Munitions Maintenance Area (MMA) A complex of seven buildings used for cleaning and maintenance of munitions. In operation from 1956-1991. Waste solvents disposed in this area. Groundwater, soil Underground storage tanks and contaminated soils were removed. Residual contamination attenuated to acceptable levels. Site closed out by NHDES. No exposure to groundwater is occurring. This site is within the boundaries of a wildlife preserve and access is restricted. This site is categorized as no public health hazard
13 (1) Bulk Fuel Storage Area (BFSA) Main fuel storage facility in operation from 1953. Tanks contained jet fuels, deicing fluids, heating and waste oils. Soil, groundwater Above ground and underground storage tanks have been removed along with contaminated soils. A passive soil venting system and asphalt cap were placed over areas of soil and groundwater contamination. Petroleum contamination will naturally degrade over time. The groundwater is under a LTM. Access to contaminated soils and groundwater is restricted by an impermeable cap. No groundwater wells are installed in areas of contamination. Institutional controls restrict access to contaminated soils and groundwater. This site is considered no public health hazard.
14 (6) Fuel Line Spill Site In 1959, 10,000 gallons of jet fuel were spilled as a result of a vent pipe broken during snow removal. None detected Fuel was washed into the storm drains which eventually discharged to Peverly drainage system. Soil and groundwater sampling detected no spill-related contaminants. Based upon no evidence of contamination or exposure this site is categorized a no public health hazard.
15 (3) Industrial Shop/Parking Apron Industrial site complex involving base operations and maintenance. Converted to Zone 3 containing multiple individual sites. See individual sites in Zone 3 See individual sites in Zone 3 See individual sites in Zone 3
16 (2) Building 410 (PCB spill) In 1983, roughly half a gallon of transformer oil containing 50% by weight PCB was released from a ruptured transformer. Soil A cleanup was performed immediately after the transformer oil spill. Stained soils were removed, and sampling indicated no residual soil contamination. No exposure. Site is considered no public health hazard.
17 (4) Construction Rubble Dump 2 (CRD-2) Received construction debris similar to site 9 from 1953 to 1987. Soil, groundwater Based upon evidence gathered in the remedial investigation, it was determined that the health risks from site contaminants did not pose a health risk. The site was recommended for no further action under the Zone 4 ROD. Under NHDES solid waste rules, the landfill was covered by a soil cap. Groundwater is under a LTM plan, and institutional controls were established. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures. This site is considered no public health hazard.
18 (6) Munitions Residue Burial Area (MRBA) Inert munitions were disposed of in shallow pits from 1957-90. Soil During site investigation a sweep of the area was conducted with a metal detector. Subsequent excavation and sieving removed buried wastes and reside. Soils with elevated contaminants were removed. Later sampling indicated residual contamination was below levels of concern. No further action was taken at this site. No exposure is occurring. Residual contamination is below levels of concern. This site is within a national wildlife refuge and access is restricted. This site poses no public health hazard.
19 (3,4) Newfield=s Ditch Collects surface runoff from eastern areas of the parking apron. TCE wasted were disposed of in the ditch and in 1982, raw wastewater was released into the ditch. Sediment As required in the Zone 3 ROD, contaminated sediments were removed. Further sampling indicated that contaminants are below levels of concern for health risk. The site was recommended for no further action. No exposure is occurring. Contamination is below levels of concern. This site is not considered a public health hazard.
20 (3,4) Grafton Ditch (Test Cell Ditch) Collects surface runoff from sites 6,17, Zone 3 industrial shop areas and former base housing. Likely received discharges of waste oils, solvents and fuels from site 34. Sediment As required in the Zone 3 ROD, contaminated sediments were removed. Further sampling indicated that contaminants are below levels of concern for health risk. The site was recommended for no further action. Lower Grafton ditch is under a LTM plan as required by the Zone 4 ROD. No exposure is occurring. Contamination is below levels of concern. This site is not considered a public health hazard.
21 (3,4) McIntyre Brook Collects the majority of the surface runoff from the industrial shop areas, flight line and parking apron via a storm sewer discharge. Likely received waste oils, fuels, oils, metals and combustion byproducts (PAHs) as a result of flight line activities and contaminant releases. Sediment Sampling conducted during a remedial investigation discovered contamination at levels of concern. Contaminated sediments were excavated and removed, and the water body restored. The brook is under a LTM plan. No public health hazard. Contamination removed.
22 (2) Burn Area 1 (BA-1) Used for burning spent fuel and solvents in order to conduct fire training activities between 1954 and 1976. Soil, groundwater Remedial activities completed at the site include installation of a soil vapor extraction and air sparging system to remediate contaminated soil and groundwater. The site is under a LTM plan, and institutional controls are in place to prevent contact with contaminated soils and groundwater. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
23 (1) Paul’s Brook Collects surface runoff from site 13. Likely received releases of fuel and oils from site 13. Sediment Contaminated sediments were detected as part of remedial investigations. Contaminated sediments were excavated and removed. The Brook is under a LTM plan. No public health hazard. Contamination removed. No exposure occurring.
24 (6) Peverly Ponds/Peverly Brook Peverly Brook collects surface runoff and groundwater discharge from sites 1, 7, 9. then flows to Upper Peverly pond (UPP). UPP receives additional runoff and groundwater discharge from site 1. UPP drains to Peverly Pond, then to Bass pond before entering Great Bay. The site supports a fishery, and was used for swimming and fishing in the past. Currently the area is within a national wildlife refuge. Sediment, surface water, fish Sampling conducted as part of a remedial investigation determined that low levels of contamination required no further action. The ponds and brook are under a LTM plan to monitor contaminant levels. No apparent health hazard. Contamination in sediments and surface water was evaluated to determine if recreational users of the ponds were at elevated health risk. Based upon this evaluation a determination was made that contamination was at levels below concern. No exposure is occurring. The site is within a national wildlife refuge, and access is restricted. (See discussion in section III).
26 (1) Flagstone Brook Collects surface runoff from Landfill 5 (IRP site 5). Sediment Sampling conducted during a remedial investigation indicated that contaminants are below levels of concern for health risk. The site was recommended for no further action. Flagstone Brook is under a LTM plan. No exposure is occurring. Contamination is below levels of concern. This site is not considered a public health hazard.
31 (3) Building 244, 157th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (CAMS). Used for jet engine maintenance and repair from l955 to 1965. A former 1,200 gallon underground storage tank contained waste solvents. Soil, groundwater Results of an in-depth remedial investigation indicated that soil and groundwater contamination associated with site 31 were below levels of concern for health risk and required no further action. No exposure is occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
32 (3) Building 113 Used for aircraft maintenance activities. A 1,200 gallon waste solvent storage tank was used to store waste solvents from 1955-65. Solvents leaked from this tank via an overflow pipe. A hazardous material storage area and oil rack were located adjacent to B-113, and waste oils and solvents were spilled during maintenance activities. Soil, groundwater Contaminated surface soils have been removed. Construction of a physical barrier and hydraulic groundwater contairunent system is complete.  This system is designed to prevent migration and remove groundwater contamination. Institutional controls are in place to prevent contact with contamination, and groundwater is under a LTM plan. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
33 (3) Building 229, Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Hangar Used for aircraft cleaning and maintenance. Site is associated with numerous waste solvent, oil and fuel releases. Soil, groundwater Contaminated surface soils have been removed. A hydraulic groundwater containment system has been installed to contain and treat contaminated groundwater. Institutional controls are in place to prevent contact with residual contamination. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
34 (3) Building 222, Jet Engine Test Cell (JETC) Used to test jet engine performance. Waste solvents, fuels, oils and cooling water contaminated with PAHs generated during tests were discharged to the nearby Test Cell Ditch. Soil, groundwater Contaminated soils have been removed. A groundwater treatment system has been installed to pump and treat contaminated groundwater. Institutional controls are in place to prevent contact with contaminated groundwater, and groundwater is under a routine LTM plan. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
35 (3) Building 226, Industrial Waste Treatment Plant (IWTP) Former treatment plant that housed an oil/water separator, underground storage tank for waste oils and solvents and a hazardous materials storage area. Soil, groundwater A groundwater extraction and treatment system was constructed to remove contamination. Soil contamination was below levels of concern and did not require remediation. The site is included within a GMZ and under LTM. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
36 (3) Building 119 Former jet engine maintenance and accessory shops in operation from 1955 to 1990. Hazardous materials storage including releases of waste solvents, oils and untreated wastewater. Soil, groundwater Contaminated surface soils have been removed. Construction of a physical barrier and hydraulic groundwater containment system is complete. This system is designed to prevent migration and remove groundwater contamination. Institutional controls are in place to prevent contact with contamination, and groundwater is under a LTM plan. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
37 (2) Burn Area 2 (BA-2) Suspected former fire-training area or waste solvent/fuel burning area used in the period from 1954-1976. Soil, groundwater Natural attenuation processes treat contaminated soils and groundwater. Institutional controls are in place to prevent contact with contamination, and groundwater is under a LTM plan. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future contact with contaminated groundwater and subsurface soils. This site is considered no public health hazard.
38 (3) Building 120 Building containing several industrial shops. Contained drum storage and floor drains identified as contamination sources. Soil, groundwater Contaminated surface soils have been removed. Natural attenuation processes treat contaminated groundwater. This site is under a LTM, and institutional controls are in place to prevent contact with residual contamination. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
39 (3) Building 227 Large hangar used for storage, cleaning and maintenance of aircraft. The northern quarter of the building housed a wash rack and hazardous materials storage area Floor drains in this area were connected to the IWTP. Floor drains from other areas are connected to the storm sewer lines discharging to McIntyre Brook. Contaminant sources are believed to be solvents oils and fuel spills on floors or outside the building, and wastes discharged through the storm sewer via floor drains. Soil, groundwater Contaminated surface soils have been removed. A hydraulic groundwater containment system has been installed to contain and treat contaminated groundwater. This site is under a LTM, and institutional controls are in place to prevent contact with residual contamination. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
40 (4) Auto Hobby Shop (AHS) Used for light maintenance of privately-owned vehicles. Soil, groundwater An in-depth study of the contamination was conducted as part of the Zone 4 remedial investigation. Study results indicate that health risks were below levels of concern. No further action was decided. No exposures are occurring. The site is covered by institutional controls that restrict development and prevent exposure to site contaminants. The site is considered no public health hazard.
41 (7) Golf Course Maintenance Area (GCMA) Contains two sub areas used for golf cart maintenance and pesticide/fertilizer storage. Soil As a result of a remedial investigation, areas of contaminated soils wee identified and removed. Remaining soils were not contaminated above levels of concern, and required no further action. Contamination is below levels of concern. No exposure is occurring. No public health hazard.
42 (3) Building 123, Refuse to Energy Plant (RTE) In operation from 1982-1987, the facility burned municipal solid wastes generated by the base and the city of Portsmouth to generate base heating. Building interior,Groundwater Interior equipment and residual wastes have been removed and the building interior cleaned. Natural attenuation is being used at this site to treat groundwater. LTM and institutional controls are in place. Contamination has been removed. No exposure is occurring. Site is considered no public health hazard
43 (2) McIntyre Road Drum Disposal Area (MRDDA) Former drum disposal area. Soil, groundwater Wastes and contaminated soils were excavated and removed. The groundwater contamination is associated with site 22, and is under active remediation. Soil contamination has been removed. No exposure to contaminated groundwater is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to restrict site use and potential contact with contamination. The site is not considered to be a public health hazard.
44 (1) Paint Can Disposal Area (PCDA) Used for storage and disposal of paint cans and drums of paint and paint residue. Groundwater, soil An intensive excavation operation removed soils and waste materials for disposal off-site. Sampling during a remedial investigation indicated that residual contamination at the site did not pose risks significant to warrant further action. Site closure under state rules is pending. Groundwater is under LTM. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures from occurring. This site is considered no public health hazard.
45 (7) Old Jet Engine Test Stand (OJETS) Operated as a jet engine testing facility from 1958-76. Site operation generated and resulted in releases of waste oils, solvents, fuels and hydraulic fluids. Soil, groundwater A soil vapor extraction and air sparging system was constructed to remove contamination from soils and groundwater. Institutional controls are in place and the site is under a LTM plan. No exposure is occurring. Institutional controls are in place to prevent future exposures. This site is considered no public health hazard.
46 (1,3) RR Track Herbicides Area (RRTH) Herbicides including 2,4-D were used to control vegetation along tracks. None Sampling of soils and groundwater did not detect contamination. The site was recommended for no further action No contamination present. Site is not a public health hazard.
47 (7) Golf Course Pesticide Mixing/Storage (GCPA) Mixing and storage of pesticides formerly conducted at this location. Soil As a result of a remedial investigation, areas of contaminated soils wee identified and removed. Remaining soils were not contaminated above levels of concern, and required no further action. Contamination is below levels of concern. No exposure is occurring. No public health hazard.
48 (6) EOD Burn Detonation Area This areas was used to dispose of unusable explosives and ordnance via burning, detonation and burial. Soil During site investigation a sweep of the area was conducted with a metal detector. Subsequent excavation and sieving removed buried wastes and reside. Soils with elevated contamination were removed. No further action was taken at this site. No exposure is occurring. Residual contamination is below levels of concern. This site is within a national wildlife refuge and access is restricted. This site poses no public health hazard.
49 (3) Building 22, Communications facility Past activities resulted in releases of solvents including PCE and TCE. A plume of contaminated groundwater is underlying an office building. Soil, groundwater Surface buildings demolished. An underground storage tank and contaminated soils were excavated and removed. Soil gas samples detected low levels of volatile contaminants. The groundwater is under LTM. Further investigation and evaluation of cleanup alternatives is ongoing. There is a remote possibility that volatile groundwater contamination may enter the office building from the subsurface. Evaluation of the soil gas sampling results indicate that the contaminants are unlikely to result in air levels that pose a health concern. This site is considered no apparent health hazard. (See discussion in Section III)
NA Flight line The flight line refueling system was installed in the mid -1950s to refuel aircraft. Fuel leaks from underground storage tanks, piping and fuel hydrants has occurred during base operations. Groundwater, soil Remedial investigations have characterized the extent of contamination. Underground storage tanks and contaminated soils have been removed. Residual contamination in soils and groundwater are underlying the flight line and are inaccessible. Based upon the investigation, the contamination will naturally degrade over time, and will not impact the nearby Haven well. The contaminant plumes are under an active long-term sampling plan to monitor the movement and levels of contamination, and to ensure that nothing reaches the Haven well. The contamination is under the concrete parking apron. No exposure is occurring to contaminated soils or groundwater. Areas of contamination are under remediation and monitoring. Actions are being taken to prevent further contaminant migration and potential contamination of the haven water supply well. This site is not considered to be a public health hazard.