VII. Public Health Action Plan

The purpose of the Public Health Action Plan is to ensure that this Public Health Assessment not only identifies any current and potential exposure pathways and related health hazards, but also provides a plan of action to mitigate and prevent adverse human health effects resulting from exposures to hazardous substances in the environment. The first section of the Public Health Action Plan for Pease AFB contains a description of completed and ongoing actions taken at the base to mitigate environmental contamination. In the second section there is a list of additional public health actions that NHDHHS recommends be implemented in the future.

A. Completed, Ongoing, and Planned Actions
Significant progress has been made by the Air Force, NHDES, USEPA, and the surrounding communities in restoring the environment at Pease AFB. Following is a summary of major accomplishments, work in progress and planned actions:

  1. The Air Force has completed investigations and signed eleven Records of Decision (RODs) covering all zones that required remedy selections for the various IRP sites within them.
  2. Construction and implementation of all required remedial actions for IRP sites are complete or in progress. Long-term operation of remedial equipment is ongoing.
  3. Investigations continue for the flight line and parking apron areas, with development of a final remedial action plan in progress.
  4. Long-term monitoring of air, groundwater, surface water, sediments, soils, and fish tissue is ongoing.
  5. Base property is in the process of transfer for use as a civilian commercial center under the Pease Development Authority.
  6. This Public Health Assessment is based on currently available information and the likely future land use for the former Pease AFB. If land use or environmental conditions at the base change, NHDHHS and ATSDR will reevaluate the likelihood of exposures to site contaminants as warranted.
  7. The limited available data on soil gas do not suggest that current indoor air quality problems would be expected on the base. Nevertheless, the potential for indoor air quality issues should be kept in mind during redevelopment of the base to guard against potential future hazards. If new data for soil gas or indoor air quality are generated, NHDHHS will provide technical assistance as needed.
  8. NHDHHS will conduct a community needs assessment to determine whether additional health education activities in the surrounding community are arranted.

Report Authors

Scott Sudweeks
Phil Trowbridge
Dennis Pinski
Bureau of Health Risk Assessment
Office of Community and Public Health
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Concord, New Hampshire

Health Outcome Data Review

Rosemary Caron
Stephanie Miller
Bureau of Health Risk Assessment
Office of Community and Public Health
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Concord, New Hampshire

Technical Project Officer

Greg Ulirsch
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Health Assessment and Consultation
Atlanta, Georgia