VI. Recommendations

  1. The former base housing area shows evidence of past vandalism. Access to the area is unrestricted and ongoing asbestos removal operations are taking place. There may be a physical hazard to trespassers in the former base housing area. NHDHHS and ATSDR suggest that access restrictions be improved and the area be more clearly posted as soon as possible to discourage unauthorized visitors.
  2. NHDHHS and ATSDR recommend that groundwater monitoring programs and efforts to prevent additional contamination of the aquifer be continued, including maintaining compliance with the City of Portsmouth’s Wellhead Protection Program.
  3. Institutional controls established for the site should be maintained and enforced, including restrictions on the use of the Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
  4. If restrictions on recreational use in the wildlife refuge change to allow fishing in the area, children and adults should follow NHDHHS’s state-wide freshwater fish consumption advisory, which recommends that adults should limit consumption of freshwater fish to four 8-ounce meals per month, pregnant women and children should limit consumption to one 8-ounce meal per month. Information about the advisory should be provided to anglers using the area for recreational fishing.