What’s Included in the Document?

During the public health assessment process, the public health assessment team listens to community members to learn their concerns about the site. Throughout the process, community members provide the team with information about the site. The health assessor evaluates the way people may come into contact with site chemicals or with physical hazards at the site. The health assessor then evaluates whether contact with site chemicals is at levels high enough and for periods long enough to cause harm. The health assessor may also conduct a toxicologic evaluation and evaluate site-specific health effects data (e.g., health outcome data) if people are contacting chemicals in a way that could harm them.

Once all of that information is gathered and evaluated, the health assessor and other experts who are part of the public health assessment team are ready to make conclusions about the site, make recommendations to protect public health, and coordinate and develop a public health action plan to ensure that the recommendations are carried out.

This section describes how the public health assessment team develops

Topic 1 . Conclusions

Topic 2. Recommendations

Topic 3. Public health action plans