Tools for Successful CHI Efforts
To help increase your chances of success, the framework below can serve as a template for your Community Health Improvement (CHI) efforts. Four crosscutting tenets—Work Together, Engage the Community, Communicate, and Sustain Improvement Results—are to be applied throughout the five-step CHI process.
By clicking on each box below the framework, you will find the following:
- Key Concepts1: Actionable descriptions intended to guide execution in each part of the CHI process
- Tools for Getting Started: Select tools including “how-to” descriptions, templates, and checklists to achieve the key concepts
- Relevant Excerpts from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Final Rule: Language related to the key concepts from the IRS Final Rule on Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA) for Charitable Hospitals, for reference
Please note that the focused, curated Tools for Successful CHI Efforts section complements the many comprehensive tools that already exist. The Tools for Getting Started mentioned for each tenet and step are not the only tools to consider for your CHI efforts as every collaborative and community will have varying needs. The tools listed can serve as a starting point to achieve the key concepts. For more background on how the key concepts and tools in the CHI Navigator were identified, visit the About the CHI Navigator page.

Adapted from: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Action Cycle
1 The supporting key concepts derive from several sources, including Rosenbaum’s Principles to Consider for the Implementation of a CHNA Process and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize Criteria .