Lesson 3: Measures of Risk

Section 4: Natality (Birth) Measures

Natality measures are population-based measures of birth. These measures are used primarily by persons working in the field of maternal and child health. Table 3.11 includes some of the commonly used measures of natality.

Table 3.11 Frequently Used Measures of Natality

Measure Numerator Denominator 10n
Crude birth rate Number of live births during a specified time interval Mid-interval population 1,000
Crude fertility rate Number of live births during a specified time interval Number of women ages 15–44 years at mid-interval 1,000
Crude rate of natural increase Number of live births minus number of deaths during a specified time interval Mid-interval population 1,000
Low-birth weight ratio Number of live births <2,500 grams during a specified time interval Number of live births during the same time interval 100

References (This Section)

  1. McLaughlin SI, Spradling P, Drociuk D, Ridzon R, Pozsik CJ, Onorato I. Extensive transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis among congregated, HIV-infected prison inmates in South Carolina, United States. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003;7:665–72.
  2. Tugwell BD, Lee LE, Gillette H, Lorber EM, Hedberg K, Cieslak PR. Chickenpox outbreak in a highly vaccinated school population. Pediatrics 2004 Mar;113(3 Pt 1):455–9.
  3. Uyeki TM, Zane SB, Bodnar UR, Fielding KL, Buxton JA, Miller JM, et al. Large summertime Influenza A outbreak among tourists in Alaska and the Yukon Territory. Clin Infect Dis 2003;36:1095–1102.