Sodium Reduction: State Policy Interventions by Evidence Level

This page summarizes six state and local policy interventions for sodium reduction by evidence level, based on findings from CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP).

The findings are catalogued in the Policy Evidence Assessment Report: What is the Evidence for State and Local Laws Addressing Sodium Reduction Among the US Adult Population? [PDF – 5 MB] The report assesses the strength and quality of the best available evidence for six policy interventions aimed to reduce sodium consumption among the adult population (aged 18 or older).

Each of these policy interventions was addressed in at least one state or local U.S. law in effect as of January 1, 2019; recommended by subject matter experts on sodium; and addressed in relevant published and grey literature.*

Each policy intervention listed below includes a brief description of a state and local law examples that closely aligns with the intervention and is prioritized by its current evidence level (“best,” “promising quality,” “promising impact”, or “emerging”).

*The years used for legal citations in this document are the years when the references were last updated on the Westlaw website (states), the years the documents were last updated on a local law database (local laws), or, in the case of Executive Orders, the dates of enactment (or dates effective if more relevant). Links to laws on publicly accessible websites are provided for convenience.

Evidence Level: Best

Evidence Level: Promising

Evidence Level: Emerging

Read all evidence summaries, including state-specific examples and references, by downloading the full report [PDF – 5 MB]. Read an HTML summary of the report for a brief overview.
