Businesses and Employers
In a flu pandemic, employers play a key role in protecting employees’ health and safety. Organizations can help limit any negative impact on the economy and society as well. Companies that provide critical infrastructure services, such as power and telecommunications, must also plan to continue operations in a crisis. As with any emergency situation, having a contingency plan is essential.
Planning Checklists and Guidance
- Business Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist (English) [284 KB, 2 Pages]
- Pandemic Preparedness Planning for US Businesses with Overseas Operations Checklist [3 MB, 4 Pages]
- Law Enforcement Pandemic Influenza Planning [468 KB, 4 Pages]
- Correctional Facilities Pandemic Influenza Planning [1.4 MB, 8 Pages]
Employers Responsibilities
- Department of Labor (DOL): An Employer’s Guide to Group Health Continuation Coverage Under Cobra [397KB, 19 Pages]
- DOL: Meeting Your Fiduciary Responsibilities