2013-2014 Drinking Water-associated Outbreak Surveillance Report: Supplemental Tables

These tables provide supplemental information not published in Surveillance for Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Associated with Drinking Water — United States, 2013–2014 (MMWR Weekly).

Table 1. Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Associated with Drinking Water (N=42) State/Jurisdiction and Month of First Case Onset — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2013-2014

Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Associated with Drinking Water State/Jurisdiction and Month of First Case Onset
Exposure State/Jurisdiction Month Year Class¶¶¶¶ Etiology* Predominant Illness† No. cases No. hospitalizations§ No. deaths¶ Water System** Deficiency***** Water Source Setting
Alaska August 2014 IV Giardia duodenalis†† AGI 5 0 0 Community 99a River/Stream Community/Municipality
Arizona January 2014 I Norovirus (S) AGI 4 0 0 Transient Noncommunity 3, 4 Unknown Camp/Cabin Setting
Florida September 2013 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 4 4 0 Community 5a, 7 Well Hospital/Health Care
Florida November 2013 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 4 4 0 Community 5a Other Other§§
Florida April 2014 IV Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 2 0 Community 5a Well Hotel/Motel/Lodge/Inn
Florida June 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 3 2 0 Community 5a Unknown Long Term Care Facility
Florida August 2014 IV Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 6 4 0 Community 5a Unknown Hotel/Motel/Lodge/Inn
Idaho September 2014 III Giardia duodenalis AGI 2 0 0 Unknown 99a Unknown Hotel/Motel/Lodge/Inn
Indiana July 2013 III Cryptosporidium sp. AGI 7 0 0 Community 4 Unknown Mobile Home Park
Indiana November 2014 IV Unknown AGI 3 0 0 Community 99a Unknown Apartment/Condo
Kansas June 2014 IV Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 2 0 Community 5a Unknown Hospital/Health Care
Maryland November 2012 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2¶¶ 2¶¶ 0 Community 5a Well Hotel/Motel/Lodge/Inn
Maryland February 2013 III Nitrite*** AGI; Neuro 14 0 Community 6 Lake/Reservoir/Impoundment Indoor workplace/Office
Maryland April 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 2 0 Community 5a Lake/Reservoir/Impoundment Apartment/Condo
Maryland July 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 1 0 Community 5a Well Hotel/Motel/Lodge/Inn
Maryland August 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 2 0 Community 5a River/Stream Prison/Jail (Juvenile/Adult)
Michigan June 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 45 45 7 Community 5a River/Stream Hospital/Healthcare, Community/Municipality†††
Montana July 2014 III Norovirus GII.Pe-GII.4 Sydney AGI 62 0 0 Transient Noncommunity 2 Well Hotel/Motel/Lodge/Inn
New York July 2013 IV Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 2 0 Community 5a Lake/Reservoir/Impoundment Hospital/Health Care
New York June 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 2 0 Community 5a Well Hospital/Health Care
North Carolina December 2013 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 3 2 0 Community 5a Unknown Long Term Care Facility
North Carolina December 2013 IV Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 7 3 0 Community 5a Unknown Long Term Care Facility
North Carolina May 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 7 6 1 Community 5a Other Long Term Care Facility
North Carolina June 2014 IV Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 3 3 0 Community 5a Unknown Long Term Care Facility
North Carolina July 2014 IV Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 ARI 3 2 1 Community 5a Unreported Long Term Care Facility
Ohio April 2013 IV Legionella pneumophila ARI 2 2 1 Unknown 5a Unknown Long Term Care Facility
Ohio§§§ September 2013 III Cyanobacterial toxin¶¶¶ AGI 6 0 0 Community 13a Lake/Reservoir/Impoundment Community/Municipality
Ohio July 2014 IV Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 14 4 0 Community 5a River/Stream Long Term Care Facility
Ohio August 2014 III Cyanobacterial toxin¶¶¶ AGI 110 Community 13a Lake/Reservoir/Impoundment Community/Municipality
Ohio October 2014 IV Cryptosporidium sp. (S) **** AGI 100 0 0 Individual 99a River/Stream Farm/Agricultural Setting
Ohio December 2014 IV Viral-Unknown (S) AGI 2 0 0 Commercially Bottled 99b Unknown Private Residence
Oregon June 2013 I Cryptosporidium parvum IIaA15G2R1 AGI 119 2 0 Community 3 Lake/Reservoir/Impoundment Community/Municipality
Oregon September 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 4 4 1 Community 5a Well Apartment/Condo
Pennsylvania December 2013 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 2 0 Unknown 5a Unknown Hospital/Health Care
Pennsylvania February 2014 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 5 5 0 Community 5a River/Stream Long Term Care Facility****
Pennsylvania October 2014 III Legionella pneumophila ARI 2 2 1 Community 5a Unknown Long Term Care Facility
Rhode Island April 2013 III Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 ARI 2 2 1 Community 5a Lake/Reservoir/Impoundment Hospital/Health Care
Tennessee July 2013 II Cryptosporidium parvum AGI 34 0 0 Transient Noncommunity¶¶¶¶ 2, 3 Spring Camp/Cabin Setting
Tennessee June 2014 III Clostridium difficile (S); Escherichia coli, Enteropathogenic (S) AGI 12 0 0 Nontransient Noncommunity 99a Well Camp/Cabin Setting; Community/Municipality
Virginia June 2013 IV Cryptosporidium sp. AGI 19 0 0 Individual 99d Well Farm/Agricultural Setting
West Virginia§§§§ January 2014 IV 4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) AGI 369 13 0 Community 13a River/Stream Community/Municipality
Wisconsin August 2014 I Giardia duodenalis AGI 3 0 0 Nontransient Noncommunity 2 Other National Forest
Wisconsin September 2014 III Campylobacter jejuni  AGI 5 0 0 Individual 2 Well Private Residence

Abbreviations: L. pneumophila = Legionella pneumophila; AGI = acute gastrointestinal illness; ARI = acute respiratory illness; Neuro = neurologic illnesses, conditions, or symptoms (e.g., meningitis); S = suspected

* Etiologies listed are confirmed, unless indicated as suspected. For multiple-etiology outbreaks, etiologies are listed in alphabetical order.

† The category of illness reported by ≥50% of ill respondents. All legionellosis outbreaks were categorized as ARI.

§ Value was set to “missing” in reports where zero hospitalizations were reported and the number of persons for whom information was available was also zero or instances where reports are missing hospitalization data.

¶ Value was set to “missing” in reports where zero deaths were reported and the number of persons for whom information was available was also zero or instances where reports are missing data on associated deaths.

** Community and noncommunity water systems are public water systems that have ≥15 service connections or serve an average of ≥25 residents for ≥60 days/year. A community water system serves year-round residents of a community, subdivision, or mobile home park. A noncommunity water system serves an institution, industry, camp, park, hotel, or business and can be nontransient or transient. Nontransient systems serve ≥25 of the same persons for ≥6 months of the year but not year-round (e.g., factories and schools) whereas transient systems provide water to places in which persons do not remain for long periods of time (e.g., restaurants, highway rest stations, and parks). Individual water systems are small systems not owned or operated by a water utility that have <15 connections or serve <25 persons.

††Classification of all reported Giardia cases has changed from Giardia intestinalis to Giardia duodenalis to align with laboratory standards.

§§ Setting is listed as other as implicated facility houses both independent living and assisted living facilities.

¶¶ This count was not included in the analysis of the current report. This outbreak occurred in 2012 and was not reported in the previous drinking water outbreak report.

*** Patients’ methemoglobin levels ranged from 1.6%–32.3%. Water was determined to be the source rather than food as all cases had direct exposure to water. Of the 14 cases, 5 used the water to make oatmeal or cream of wheat.

††† This report includes both community and hospital-associated cases (27/45 patients reported healthcare/hospital exposure).

§§§ This is the first drinking water-associated outbreak of this etiology reported to NORS.

¶¶¶ Microcystin was detected in finished water sampled from a community water system; levels exceeded state thresholds and resulted in a ‘Do not drink’ advisory.

**** Cryptosporidium was detected in water samples but not in any clinical specimens.

†††† This system was registered as a community system as a result of the outbreak investigation.

§§§§ Illnesses were associated with exposure to 4-methylcyclohexanemethanol following a documented industrial spill into water supplying a public water system. However, individual levels of exposure could not be quantified in clinical specimens. Propylene glycol phenyl (PPH) ether was also present in the spill at low concentrations.

¶¶¶¶ Strength-of-evidence class determined on the basis of epidemiologic, clinical laboratory, and environmental data (e.g., water quality data) provided to CDC. For more information, see Strength-of-Evidence Classification for Waterborne Disease & Outbreaks.

***** Deficiency classification assigned to all outbreaks associated with drinking water. For more information, see Deficiency Classification for Drinking Water and Other, Non-recreational Waterborne Disease Outbreaks.

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Table 2. Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, by Etiology Group — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2013-2014.

Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, by Etiology Group
Etiology Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Died
Bacterium 1 5 0 0
Campylobacter jejuni 1 5 0 0
Bacteria, Legionella spp. 24 130 109 13
Legionella spp. 24 130 109 13
Chemical/Toxin 5 499 13 0
4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) 1 369 13 0
Cyanobacterial toxin 2 116 0 0
Nitrite 1 14 0 0
Virus 3 68 0 0
Norovirus 2 66 0 0
Viral-Unknown 1 2 0 0
Parasite 8 289 2 0
Cryptosporidium spp. 5 279 2 0
Giardia duodenalis 3 10 0 0
Multiple 1 12 0 0
Escherichia coli, Enteropathogenic; Clostridium difficile 1 12 0 0
Unidentified 1 3 0 0
Total 42 1006 124 13

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Table 3a. Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, Community Water Systems — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2013-2014.

Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, Community Water Systems
Etiology Ground Water Surface Water Unknown Unreported
Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Died Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Died Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Died Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Died
Bacteria, Legionella spp. 10 36 31 2 7 72 62 8 5 17 12 1 1 3 2 1
Legionella pneumophila 10 36 31 2 7 72 62 8 5 17 12 1 1 3 2 1
Chemical/Toxin 0 0 0 0 4 499 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) 0 0 0 0 1 369 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cyanobacterial toxin 0 0 0 0 2 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nitrite 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Parasite 0 0 0 0 2 124 2 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cryptosporidium sp. 0 0 0 0 1 119 2 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
Giardia duodenalis  0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unidentified 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 10 36 31 2 13 695 77 8 7 27 12 1 1 3 2 1

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Table 3b. Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, Non-community Water Systems — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2013-2014.

Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, Non-community Water Systems
Etiology Ground water Mixed Water Unknown
Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized
Parasites 2 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cryptosporidium sp. 1 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Giardia duodenalis 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Multiple Bacteria 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 0 0
Escherichia coli, Enteropathogenic, Clostridium difficile 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 0 0
Viruses 1 62 0 0 0 0 1 4 0
Norovirus 1 62 0 0 0 0 1 4 0

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Table 3c. Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, Commercially-bottled Water — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2013-2014.

Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, Commercially-bottled Water
Etiology Ground Water Unknown Water
Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Died Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Died
Virus 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0
Viral-Unknown 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0

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Table 3d. Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, Private Water Systems — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2013-2014.

Number of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, Private Water Systems
Etiology Ground water Surface Water
Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized Outbreaks Cases Hospitalized
Bacterium 1 5 0 0 0 0
Campylobacter jejuni 1 5 0 0 0 0
Parasite 1 19 0 1 100 0
Cryptosporidium spp. 1 19 0 1 100 0

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