2009-2010 Recreational Water-associated Outbreak Surveillance Report Supplemental Figures
These tables provide supplemental information not published in Recreational Water–Associated Disease Outbreaks — United States, 2009–2010 (MMWR Weekly).
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Recreational Water-associated Outbreaks (n = 81), by Jurisdiction* — United States, 2009—2010

*These numbers are largely dependent on surveillance and reporting activities in individual jurisdictions, and do not necessarily indicate the true incidence in a given jurisdiction.
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Recreational Water–associated Outbreaks, by Type of Exposure, Predominant Illness*, and Etiology — United States, 2009—2010

Abbreviations: AGI: acute gastrointestinal illness; ARI: acute respiratory illness; Multiple: a combination of predominant illnesses; Skin: illness, condition, or symptom related to skin.
*The category of illness reported by ≥50% of ill respondents.
†Percentages do not add up to 100.0% due to rounding.
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Recreational Water–associated Outbreaks (n = 81), by Predominant Illness* and Month — United States, 2009—2010

Abbreviations: AGI: acute gastrointestinal illness; ARI: acute respiratory illness; Multiple: a combination of predominant illnesses; Skin: illness, condition, or symptom related to skin.
* The category of illness reported by ≥50% of ill respondents.
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Recreational Water–associated Outbreaks of Acute Gastrointestinal Illness (AGI), by Type of Exposure and Etiology — United States, 2009—2010

*Percentages do not add up to 100.0% due to rounding.
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- AGI Outbreaks, by Type of Exposure [CSV – 1kb]
- AGI Outbreaks, by Etiology [CSV – 1kb]
- AGI Etiology: Untreated water [CSV – 1kb]
- AGI Etiology: Treated water [CSV – 1kb]
Recreational Water–associated Outbreaks (n = 789), by Predominant Illness* and Year — United States, 1978—2010

Abbreviations/Terms: AGI: acute gastrointestinal illness; ARI: acute respiratory illness; Other: includes bronchitis; illness, condition, or symptom related to the ears; illness, condition, or symptom related to the eyes; hepatitis; leptospirosis; meningitis; meningoencephalitis; and multiple predominant illnesses; Skin: illness, condition, or symptom related to the skin.
Abbreviations/Terms: AGI: acute gastrointestinal illness; ARI: acute respiratory illness; Other: includes *The category of illness reported by ≥50% of ill respondents. Abbreviations/Terms: AGI: acute gastrointestinal illness; ARI: acute respiratory illness; Other: includes †All outbreaks of legionellosis (i.e., Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever) are classified as ARI.
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Recreational Water–associated Outbreaks of Acute Gastrointestinal Illness (n = 393), by Type of Exposure and Year — United States, 1978—2010

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Recreational Water–associated Outbreaks of Acute Gastrointestinal Illness (AGI), by Type of Exposure and Etiology — United States, 2001—2010

*These include outbreaks caused by Salmonella, Campylobacter, Plesiomonas, cyanobacterial toxin(s), or multiple etiologies.
† Percentages do not add up to 100.0% due to rounding.