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Other NIOSH Studies Related to Radiation Exposure

B cells behaving badly. (2007)

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: an overview of aetiology in light of recent developments in classification and pathogenesis. (2007)

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia radiogenicity: a systematic review. (2007)

Report of public meeting to seek input on gaps in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) Radiogenicity Research Held July 21, 2004. (2005) NIOSH Publication No. 2006-100

Other grant-funded studies related to radiation exposure

Dose of beryllium causing beryllium sensitization and disease. (2005) Final Report; 20 pgs.

Newman LS, Mroz MM, Balkissoon R, et al. (2005) Beryllium sensitization progresses to chronic beryllium disease – A longitudinal study of disease risk A J R C C 171 (1): 54-60

Rosenman K, Hertzberg V, Rice C, Reilly MJ, Aronchick J, Parker JE, Regovich J, Rossman M [2005]. Chronic beryllium disease and sensitization at a beryllium processing facility. Environ Health Perspect, 113(10):1366-72.

Correcting for measurement errors in radiation exposure. (Undated) Final Report 16 pgs. Summary Report.

Estimating the dose response relationship for occupational radiation exposure measured with minimum detection level. (2004)

Infante PF, Newman LS. Beryllium exposure and chronic beryllium disease (2004). Lancet. Feb 7;363(9407):415-6.

A method for estimating occupational radiation doses subject to minimum detection levels. (2003)

Reconstruction of doses for Chernobyl liquidators (2003) Final Report; 53 pgs.

Beryllium disease natural history and exposure-response. (2002) Final Report; 17 pgs.

Predictors of chronic beryllium disease and sensitization. (2002)

Studies of cancer risk among Chernobyl liquidators: Materials and methods. (2002)

Acute radiation syndrome in Russian nuclear workers. (2001) Final Report; 59 pgs.
Kelleher PC, Martyny JW, Mroz MM, Maier LA, Ruttenber AJ, Young DA, Newman LS (2001). Beryllium particulate exposure and disease relations in a beryllium machining plant. J Occup Environ Med, 43(3):238-49.

Lundgren RA, Maier LA, Rose CS, Balkissoon RC, Newman LS (2001). Indirect and direct gas exchange at maximum exercise in beryllium sensitization and disease. Chest. 2001 Nov;120(5):1702-8. Erratum in: Chest 2002 Mar;121(3):1009.

Newman-LS; Mroz-MM; Maier-LA; Daniloff-EM; Balkissoon-R (2001) Efficacy of serial medical surveillance for chronic beryllium disease in a beryllium machining plant. J Occup Environ Med 2001 Mar; 43(3):231-237

Use of historical uranium air sampling data to estimate worker exposure potential to airborne radioactive particulate in a uranium processing facility. (2001)

Martyny JW, Hoover MD, Mroz MM, Ellis K, Maier LA, Sheff KL, Newman LS (2000). Aerosols generated during beryllium machining. J Occup Environ Med, 42(1):8-18.

Specificity of the National Death Index and the Social Security Administration Death Master File when information on social security number is lacking. (2000)

Tan-Wilhelm D, Witte K, Liu WY, Newman LS, Janssen A, Ellison C, Yancey A, Sanderson W, Henneberger PK (2000). Impact of a worker notification program: assessment of attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Am J Ind Med. 2000 Feb;37(2):205-13.

Sanderson WT, Henneberger PK, Martyny J, Ellis K, Mroz MM, Newman LS (1999). Beryllium contamination inside vehicles of machine shop workers. Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 14(4):223-30.

Study of occupational magnetic-field personal exposures associated with Seattle metro transit’s electric trolley system. (1999) Report; 78 pg.

Study of occupational magnetic-field personal exposures of non-flying airline employees. (1999) Final Report; 61 pg.
Glycophorin A (GPA) biodosimetry in I-131 treated patients. (1998) Final Report, 52 pg.
Adverse reproductive outcomes among females employed at Department of Energy facilities: The feasibility of epidemiologic studies. (1996) Final Report; 18pgs