Population Health Workforce Development

CDC’s Population Health Workforce Development (PHWD) program offers several opportunities that apply innovative approaches to support health departments.

  1. Fellowship Teams: We engage CDC’s existing premier fellowship programs to build tailored, multidisciplinary teams of fellows who work collaboratively with health departments on a locally defined population health priority. Two fellowship teams participated in pilot sites for the CDC Population Health Workforce Initiative. Learn more about the impact these teams made with the health departments
  2. Technical Assistance: We help health departments develop or align population health workforce plans to address health challenges holistically.
  3. On-the-Job Professional Development: We provide formal training in policy analysis and development as well as program evaluation. Learn more about our Population Health Training in Place Program (PH-TIPP)

PHWD helps health departments shift into the role of Community Health Strategist, allowing them to solve 21st century population health challenges.

PHWD can help health departments address

  • Chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Hospital acquired infections
  • Mental health
  • Behavioral health
  • Substance abuse, including opioid addiction
  • Health disparities, such as maternal mortality
  • State health assessment
  • State health improvement plans