AMD Activities: 2021

Updated on Monday, December 20, 2021

CDC’s FY 22 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for “Applied Research to Address Emerging Public Health Prioritiesexternal icon” is now available. The BAA includes topics on genomic sequencing of #SARS-CoV-2, wastewater surveillance, and strengthening emergency preparedness. White papers must be received electronically by 3:00 PM EST on January 14, 2022 in order to be considered.

Updated on Tuesday, October 5, 2021

ALT text:  Diagram of shapes that represent people and places with connecting lines based on data type.

The word is spreading about MicrobeTrace. The web-based platform for visualizing disease outbreak data is a user-friendly bioinformatics tool. Developed by the CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention and funded by the Office of AMD, MicrobeTrace can easily integrate and visualize pathogen genomics and epidemiologic data which is valuable for contact tracing in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updated on Friday, July 30, 2021

Group shot of 21 people standing in front of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services building.

The Office of AMD collaborates with state and local partners to integrate the latest next-generation sequencing technology with bioinformatics and epidemiology in public health. These partnerships with state, tribal, local, and territorial health department laboratories modernize and strengthen the nation’s public health infrastructure and save lives.

Updated on Friday, July 2, 2021

SPHERES system logo

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued 29 awards as part of the SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing for Public Health Emergency Response, Epidemiology, and Surveillance (SPHERES) Initiative. These innovative research and collaborative projects are intended to fill knowledge gaps and expand the agency’s innovative responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The SPHERES collaboration, which currently includes scientists from nearly 200 public health, academic, clinical, and non-profit laboratories and institutions, aims to accelerate the application of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing for genomic epidemiology and pandemic response.

New COVID-19 Genomic Epidemiology Toolkit Released

Posted on Friday, January 8, 2021

Welcome and Overview
YouTube Video Removed

The Office of AMD recently released a COVID-19 Genomic Epidemiology Toolkit to help epidemiologists apply genomic data to state and local investigations and track SARS-CoV-2 strains circulating in their jurisdictions.

The toolkit consists of modular video presentations, audio transcripts, case studies, scientific narratives, examples/templates, job aids, reference documents, external links, etc. The first phase of the toolkit includes three modules that introduce genomic epidemiology, with specific reference to the genome of SARS-CoV-2.

Sign up to receive email updates when new modules are added to the COVID-19 Genomic Epidemiology Toolkit.