Errata, Prevention Status Reports, 2013

Excessive Alcohol Use

An error occurred in the District of Columbia’s Excessive Alcohol Use data in the 2013 Prevention Status Reports.

On page 3 of the District of Columbia’s Excessive Alcohol Use report[PDF-242KB] and on page 5 of the District of Columbia’s full state report[PDF-1.3MB], the originally published text reads as follows:

Table showing the rating scale for commercial host (dram shop) liability law. States rate green if the state had commercial host liability with no major limitations, yellow if the state had commercial host liability with major limitations, and red if the state had no commercial host liability. The District of Columbia rated green.

The corrected text should read as follows:

Table showing the rating scale for commercial host (dram shop) liability law. States rate green if the state had commercial host liability with no major limitations, yellow if the state had commercial host liability with major limitations, and red if the state had no commercial host liability. The District of Columbia rated yellow.

On page 2 of the District of Columbia’s full state report[PDF-1.3MB] and on the District of Columbia’s State Summary[PDF-215KB], the originally published text reads as follows:

Text showing that under the Excessive Alcohol Use topic, the District of Columbia rated green for commercial host (dram shop) liability law

The corrected text should read as follows:

Text showing that under the Excessive Alcohol Use topic, the District of Columbia rated yellow for commercial host (dram shop) liability law

Nutrition, Physical Activity, & Obesity

In the 2013 Prevention Status Report for Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, an error occurred on page 4 of each state Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity report and on page 24 of each full State Report for the indicator entitled “Inclusion of nutrition and physical activity standards in state regulations of licensed childcare facilities.”

The originally published text reads as follows:

The Institute of Medicine has recommended including specific requirements related to physical activity, sedentary activity, and child feeding in childcare regulations (12). The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, and National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education have identified 47 components that childcare regulatory agencies and childcare providers should include in standards for infant feeding, nutrition, physical activity, and screen time in licensed childcare settings (16).

The corrected text should read as follows:

The Institute of Medicine has recommended including specific requirements related to physical activity, sedentary activity, and child feeding in childcare regulations (12). Building upon a comprehensive set of national standards defined in 2011 (16), the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education has identified 47 licensing standards components considered to be high impact for obesity prevention. These components are related to infant feeding, nutrition, physical activity, and screen time in licensed childcare settings (20).

Food Safety

An error occurred in North Carolina’s Food Safety data in the 2013 Prevention Status Reports.
On page 3 of North Carolina’s Food Safety report[PDF-226KB] and on page 9 of North Carolina’s full state report[PDF-1.3MB], the originally published text reads as follows:

1.	For the record, although various components of the total cost of alcohol-attributable MV crashes are included in many cost categories (e.g., productivity losses, healthcare expenditures, and criminal justice expenses), in this situation, we are specifically referring to property damage due to MV crashes, which is not otherwise captured in any of the other cost categories. %26lt;60% within four days. North Carolina rated yellow.

The corrected text should read as follows:

2.	Table showing the rating scale for the speed of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) testing of reported E. coli 0157 cases. States rate green if the state tested %26ge;90.0% of annual reported cases of E. coli 0157 within four days, yellow if the state tested 60.0%%26ndash;89.9% within four days, and red if the state tested %26lt;60% within four days. North Carolina rated green.

On page 2 of North Carolina’s full state report[PDF-1.3MB] and on North Carolina’s State Summary report[PDF-214KB], the originally published text reads as follows:

3.	Text showing that under the Food Safety topic, North Carolina rated yellow for speed of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) testing of reported E. coli 0157 cases

The corrected text should read as follows:

4.	Text showing that under the Food Safety topic, North Carolina rated green for speed of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) testing of reported E. coli 0157 cases