2015-2016 Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Averted by Vaccination in the United States

CDC estimates that influenza vaccination during the 2015-2016 influenza season prevented 5.3 million illnesses, 2.7 million medical visits, 70,000 hospitalizations and 6,400 deaths associated with influenza (Table: Estimated Number of Influenza Illnesses, Medical Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Averted by Vaccination, 2010-11 through 2017-18 Influenza Seasons).

Table 1: Estimated Number of Influenza Illnesses, Medical Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Averted by Vaccination, by Age Group — United States, 2015-2016 influenza season

Averted Illnesses Averted Medical Visits Averted Hospitalizations Averted Deaths
Age group Estimate 95% UI* Estimate 95% UI* Estimate 95% UI* Estimate 95% UI*

6 mo-4 yrs

1,059,354 (452,103, 2,386,227) 709,767 (316,217, 1,570,387) 7,385 (3,152, 16,636) 87 (0, 295)

5-17 yrs

1,521,776 (790,720, 2,837,711) 791,324 (431,149, 1,426,265) 4,173 (2,168, 7,781) 32 (0, 107)

18-49 yrs

1,579,966 (951,143, 2,625,966) 584,588 (370,062, 942,209) 8,868 (5,339, 14,740) 295 (135, 577)

50-64 yrs

733,122 (0, 1,783,299) 315,243 (0, 730,393) 7,775 (0, 18,911) 362 (0, 953)

65+ yrs

454,360 (26,373, 1,451,902) 254,442 (15,821, 778,804) 41,305 (2,398, 131,991) 5,637 (233, 19,130)

All ages

5,348,579 (2,541,706, 9,211,997) 2,655,362 (1,302,745, 4,513,605) 69,506 (14,912, 171,106) 6,413 (512, 20,316)

*Uncertainty Interval

Table 2: Estimated Fraction of Influenza Hospitalizations Averted by Vaccination by age group — United States, 2015-2016 influenza season


Age group Estimate 95% UI*

6 mo-4 yrs

39 (23, 50)

5-17 yrs

28 (18, 35)

18-49 yrs

16 (11, 19)

50-64 yrs

10 (0, 19)

65+ yrs

25 (2, 40)

*Uncertainty Interval