Supplement A: Command and Control
Public Health Guidance for Community-Level Preparedness and Response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Version 2/3
- Determine and establish operational authority for a response to a SARS outbreak.
- Establish an incident management structure for the response to a SARS outbreak, supported by adequate information systems.
- Determine and establish legal authority for a response to a SARS outbreak.
Key concepts
- A clear organizational structure with well-defined roles and responsibilities and operational authority is necessary for an effective response to SARS.
- Strong leadership is essential to coordinate a SARS response, allow efficient allocation of resources, and dissemination of consistent information.
- An incident command structure supported by the adequate information systems allows for rapid and efficient implementation of a SARS response.
- A suitable legislative framework is necessary to impose a variety of emergency public health and containment measures, at both the individual and community levels.
Priority activities
- Conduct local preparedness planning for a re-emergence of SARS-CoV, with participation by persons representing a range of disciplines and expertise. Draft and formally adopt a SARS response plan, or add SARS preparedness and response to an existing preparedness plan.
- Confirm the controlling authorities for actions such as declaring a public health emergency, activating the SARS response plan, and curtailing modes of transportation.
- Develop/reinforce relationships with health authorities of adjoining jurisdictions and with federal agencies to ensure effective communication and collaboration.
- Learn about the legal authorities and statutes for enforcing individual and community containment measures at the local, state, and federal levels.
- Develop/adapt a predetermined incident command system to coordinate and manage SARS response activities.
- Ensure the availability of information system(s) that can document, support, and coordinate the activities generated within an incident command system (e.g., integrate personnel and facilities, expedite real-time communication and flow of information, aid in logistics planning, resource allocation, and operational coordination).
Related Pages
- Summary
- I. Rationale and Goals
- II. Lessons Learned
- III. Operational Authority
- IV. Incident Command and Management System
- V. Legal Authority
- Appendix A1—State And Local Health Official Epidemic SARS Checklist
- Appendix A2—Checklist of Legal Considerations for SARS Preparedness in Your Community
- Appendix A3—Fact Sheet: Practical Steps for SARS Legal Preparedness