Slide Sets to Accompany SARS Public Health Guidance Document
Public Health Guidance for Community-Level Preparedness and Response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Version 2/3
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has developed several Powerpoint presentations (see below) to accompany the document, Public Health Guidance for Community-Level Preparedness and Response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). These slide sets briefly describe key components of the public health guidance document. The files are downloadable and can be used by state and local public health officials, clinicians, laboratory scientists, health educators, and other interested persons to assist in reviewing information about the guidance for SARS preparedness and response.
- SARS Surveillance: Preparing for Potential Re-emergence of Disease
- SARS Preparedness and Response in Healthcare Facilities
- Quarantine: Community Response and Containment for SARS
- Public Health Guidance for Community-Level Preparedness and Response to SARS: Communication and Education
- Print slide set [3.5MB, 37 pages] (updated November 5, 2003)
PLEASE NOTE: Because of their size, some of the files may take considerable time to download and/or display on slower connections. To facilitate downloading, Right Click on the file name and select “Save Target As…” to download the file onto your computer. You may then open the file from the saved location and view it locally.
These slide sets will be revised if the draft guidance document undergoes revision on the basis of comments from CDC’s partners.