Supplement G: Communication and Education

Public Health Guidance for Community-Level Preparedness and Response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Version 2/3*

Contents of this Section

Contents of this Section


I. Rationale and Goals
II. Lessons Learned
III. Key Messages
IV. Preparing for a Communications Response
V. Communications Activities in the Presence of SARS
VI. SARS Educational Tools and Resources
Appendix G1: Fact Sheet: Joint Information Center
Appendix G2: Media Relations
Appendix G3: Community Relations/Outreach
Appendix G4: CDC Field Communications Liaisons

Footnote *

The title of Supplement G has been changed from “Communication” to “Communication and Education” to reflect the addition of information on newly developed educational tools focusing on SARS preparedness and infection control.

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