Public Health Guidance for Community-Level Preparedness and Response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Version 2/3

This is an updated version of the draft guidance document issued by CDC in November 2003. CDC revised the draft based on comments received from public health partners, healthcare providers, and others. CDC will continue to update the document as necessary to incorporate additional comments and to reflect increased understanding of SARS-CoV transmission dynamics and the availability of improved prevention tools.

*PLEASE NOTE: Because of their size, some of the files below may take considerable time to download and/or display on slower connections. To facilitate downloading, Right Click on the file name and select “Save Target As…” to download the file onto your computer. You may then open the file from the saved location and view it locally.

Sections of the Guidance Document

Sections of the Guidance Document table


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Core Document: Exec Summary, Intro, Overview of Document, Key Measures… Print Ready Version [26 pages]
Supplement A: Command and Control Print Ready Version [18 pages]
Supplement B: SARS Surveillance Print Ready Version [31 pages]
Supplement C: Preparedness and Response In Healthcare Facilities Print Ready Version [34 pages]
Supplement D: Community Containment Measures, Including Non-Hospital Isolation and Quarantine Print Ready Version [37 pages]
Supplement E: Managing International Travel-Related Transmission Risk Print Ready Version [13 pages]
Supplement F: Laboratory Guidance Print Ready Version [32 pages]
Supplement G: Communication and Education Print Ready Version [17 pages]
Supplement I: Infection Control in Healthcare, Home, and Community Settings Print Ready Version [28 pages]

Also available are additional slide sets to accompany the SARS Public Health Guidance Document

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