Roadmap for State Program Planning: Collect Resources and Data
Pages in the Roadmap

A systematic approach to heart disease and stroke prevention (HDSP) involves researching, investigating, identifying, and collecting information and data about the state’s resources. These resources can help build capacities and plan and implement the most effective interventions for reaching the program’s goals to reduce morbidity, mortality, and related disparities.
Helpful resources include—
- CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, and other national, public, and private organizations.
- State, regional, and local partners.
- Heart disease and stroke (HDS) data and information from public health organizations and state, regional, or national databases.
A preliminary assessment should be conducted after the available resources are identified to determine how the resources can help the program reach its goals and identify gaps in resources.
There are three major activities involved in this section—
- Establishing partnerships.
- Defining and documenting the state’s HDS burden.
- Researching and assessing state HDS-related policies and environmental supports.
Expected Outcomes
After completing the “Collect Resources and Data” component of the Roadmap, you will be able to—
- Gain knowledge of potential state partners.
- Draft and distribute a state HDSP burden document.
- Create a list of HDS-related laws, regulations, rules, and policies enacted by state and local governments, public and private organizations, and advocacy groups.
Skills and Competencies
The skills needed to address this program area are adapted from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) Competencies for Chronic Disease Practice.
After implementing the Roadmap, you will be able to—
- Communicate effectively.
- Employ interviewing and questioning strategies.
- Implement social marketing strategies.
- Gather, analyze, and interpret health data.
- Research, analyze, and interpret health policy.
- Establish and maintain linkages and/or partnerships.
- Assess the impact of public policies, laws, and regulations on chronic disease prevention and control.