Roadmap for State Program Planning: Tools
Pages in the Roadmap
These tools can be used to help with heart disease and stroke prevention programs development and implementation. Tools include checklists, wizards, surveys, fact sheets, and atlases developed by the CDC, the American Heart Association, or other private organizations and federal agencies.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Atlases – Heart Disease and Stroke Maps
Interactive maps and atlases on heart disease and stroke mortality rates; heart disease statistics by ethnic group; stroke mortality based on racial, ethnic, and geographic disparities; and inequalities in women’s and men’s heart disease death rates for the five major racial and ethnic groups.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) County Level Variables
A county-level data set to supplement the BRFSS public use data file. Use this tool to identify current county-level variables likely to be correlated with BRFSS core health outcomes.
Cholesterol Topics
Facts, statistics, and resources about high blood cholesterol and heart disease.
Epi Info
A public domain software system for epidemiologists and public health professionals to develop epidemiologic statistics, tables, maps and graphs.
Quick access to statistics on publications and statistics on health topics, developed by the National Center for Health Statistics.
Guide to Community Preventive Services
Evidence-based recommendations for programs and policies to promote population health.
Heart Disease and Stroke Maps
National, state, and county heart disease and stroke mortality rates. This application is produced through collaboration between the CDC and the states.
Social Determinants of Health Maps
Maps of selected social determinants of health to be used with other data sources to match heart disease and stroke prevention programs and policies to the needs of local populations.
American Heart Association
Go For Red Campaign
Educational campaign to raise awareness of heart disease among women.
Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics
Annual statistics on cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
Private Organizations and Other Federal Agencies
Acute Stroke Treatment Program (ASTP)
The ASTP guides hospitals through a step-by-step process for establishing a Primary Stroke Center in their facilities.
Developing an Evaluation Plan
Information about the process of developing an evaluation plan from the Community Tool Box.
Developing Effective Coalitions: An Eight Step Guide
Guides users through the process of coalition building, from deciding whether or not a coalition is appropriate to selecting the best membership and conducting ongoing evaluation.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation Step-by-Step Guide to Evaluation
The Step-By-Step Guide to Evaluation, supersedes the original 2008 and 2014 Evaluation Handbook.
Gantt Project
Free Gantt chart-based project scheduling and management tool.
Health Communication Activities
A collection of health resources developed by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).