CDC Health-Related Quality of Life Epidemiology Curricular Materials Overview

HRQOL Curricula Materials

Epidemiology Assignment 1

Title: Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) Prevalence Data Trends and Analysis

Student is asked to query HRQOL state-level prevalence data (online) and compare and contrast observed trends with national estimates. Using the literature, the student attempts to explain the observed trends in a brief paper. This assignment is appropriate for introductory-level students.

Student learns to identify data trends, search and use scientific literature, identify and explain disparities, and clearly communicate epidemiology information in written format.

Materials Included

Epidemiology Assignment 2

Title: Analysis of 2007 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Data From Two Geographically Diverse U.S. States

Student is asked to review a BRFSS data file (n=500; Georgia and California data) in Excel format and codebook, use the scientific literature to develop research questions and a testable hypothesis, and analyze the dataset to answer their questions. The results are presented in a brief paper. This assignment is appropriate for intermediate-level students.

Student learns to propose research questions and hypotheses, review the literature, and use basic epidemiology and statistical techniques to answer the research questions posed.

Materials Included

ASPH Competencies Addressed

  • Identify key sources of data for epidemiologic purposes.
  • Describe a public health problem in terms of magnitude, person, time, and place.
  • Apply the basic terminology and definitions of epidemiology.
  • Communicate epidemiologic information to lay and professional audiences.
  • Draw appropriate inferences from epidemiologic data.
  • Calculate basic epidemiology measures.