Group Programs Being Tested for Remote Delivery

The programs listed below are appropriate for arthritis and other chronic disease management. Although they were not originally developed for remote or online delivery and participation, they are being tested for effectiveness for remote delivery.
EnhanceFitness (EF) is a low-cost, evidence-based group exercise and falls prevention program. It helps older adults at all levels of fitness become more active, energized, and empowered to live independently. The program is available through licensed affiliates throughout the United States. The University of Washington School of Medicine’s PACIFIC Study Team recently tested and documented the remote delivery of EF. An eight-page EF Remote Class Delivery Guidance document has been issued to all licensed affiliates. Remote delivery of EF and EF coach training are now available via video conference. Please contact Project Enhance for more information about program outcomes, training, or becoming a participant.
Fit & Strong! @Home is an online version of Fit & Strong!, a physical activity and behavior change intervention offering stretching, balance, aerobic, and a series of lower body strength-building exercises. The benefits of these activities are supported with health education. The program was designed for sedentary older adults with joint pain and stiffness in their hips or legs and adults with osteoarthritis. Fit & Strong! @Home classes follow the same structure as the traditional in-person program—24 class sessions delivered either 2 or 3 days per week for 90 minutes. Each class consists of 60 minutes of physical activity and 30 minutes of health education. All classes are delivered live in real time. Participating organizations are pilot testing the remote Fit & Strong! @Home program, and early results are positive.
Eligible providers have access to the Fit & Strong! @Home website, where they can create accounts for their instructors and participants. The website hosts all the supporting materials needed for classes, including electronic versions of the Fit & Strong! manual, demonstration exercise videos, electronic attendance forms, and electronic pre/post data collection forms. The website is being expanded to include maintenance materials for participants who have completed a class. For more information about Fit & Strong! @Home program or to become a participant, email