The 1.2.3 Approach to Provider Outreach
Marketing Chronic Disease Interventions to Primary Care Practices
Self management education and physical activity interventions for chronic disease have been shown to reduce pain, increase mobility, and improve quality of life. Despite this fact, participation rates remain low and most primary care providers (PCPs) are not aware that these valuable treatment tools are available in their communities.
CDC’s Arthritis Management and Wellbeing Program developed the 1.2.3 Approach to Provider Outreach to help you plan and conduct face-to-face outreach to primary care providers (PCPs) in your state or local area. Your marketing team can use this guide to plan and implement outreach strategies to inform PCPs in your community about your self management education and physical activity interventions and to encourage PCPs to recommend these interventions to their patients. The tools in this marketing guide are based on research conducted with PCPs, are modeled on successful “detailing” strategies used by pharmaceutical companies, and have been tested in local communities.
Use the 1.2.3 Approach outlined in the marketing guide and on this website as a framework for establishing your provider outreach initiative and training your marketing team. The information on this site is organized by task. All the tools you’ll need to prepare for and complete these tasks—such as spreadsheet shells, scripts, and customizable templates—are available for download.
Download Entire Marketing Guide – [PDF – 10MB].
Developing a Marketing and Promotion Plan
The 1.2.3 Approach marketing guide will walk you through the steps necessary to plan your marketing approach, from choosing interventions, locations and PCPs, to developing and managing your marketing team. Learn how, and access the tools on the Developing a Marketing and Promotion Plan page.
Preparing for Provider Outreach
Preparing for provider outreach entails both training your marketing team, and preparing the materials needed for conducting face-to-face visits with PCPs. Learn how, and access the tools on the Preparing for Provider Outreach page.
Conducting Provider Outreach: The 1.2.3 Approach
The 1.2.3 Approach identified three basic steps for reaching out to PCPs and conducting in-person visits to encourage PCPs to recommend arthritis self-management education and physical activity interventions to their patients. Learn more, and access the tools on the Conducting Provider Outreach page.
Evaluating Your Outreach Efforts
A key element of success is evaluating your outreach efforts. The 1.2.3 Approach includes as a straightforward, “real world” evaluation of your provider outreach approach. Learn more, and access the tools on the Evaluating Your Outreach Efforts page.

The 1.2.3 Approach to Provider Outreach: Marketing Chronic Disease Interventions to Primary Care Practices is a complete guide to the entire outreach process, from planning to evaluation. These videos provide more information about using the 1.2.3 Approach.
Outreach Visit Videos
See what happens in a typical outreach visit. Watch the videos and get tips for making an effective pitch to providers and office staff.
Talk About It! Marketing Community-based Interventions Through Provider and Community Ambassador Outreach
In June 2013, the CDC sponsored a webcast about provider and ambassador outreach. Video and related materials for The 1.2.3 Approach to Provider Outreach are available in Part I. Alabama Department of HealthExternal