Looking ahead

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At the start of a new decade, NCEZID faces numerous infectious disease challenges…and we have been developing plans on how to most effectively address them.

An illustration of a woman holding binoculars and looking into the stars
  1. Problem: The ongoing threat of tickborne diseases
    Solution: NCEZID works to implement a robust national system that can detect, prevent, and respond to these threats and invest in bigger diagnostics and prevention tools.
  2. Problem: Increases in zoonotic diseases, which spread between animals and people and account for 6 in 10 infectious diseases in people
    Solution: NCEZID strengthens activities in combating diseases like rabies and brucellosis and partner collaborations using a One Health approach that brings together human, animal, and environmental health sectors
  3. Problem: Keeping pace with technological advances to better conduct surveillance, detect outbreaks, understand how infectious diseases are spread, and target interventions
    Solution: CDC’s Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD) program continues to incorporate transformative next-generation sequencing technology here at CDC and in public health programs across the US. Working in a rapidly evolving technological landscape, AMD is developing new methods, promoting data modernization,  and supporting  needed  workforce development
  4. Problem: Critical gaps in global health preparedness to fight threats like Ebola
    Solution: NCEZID strengthens its commitment to global health security by quickly responding to international outbreaks and working with partners to prevent and control infectious disease threats.
  5. Problem: Annually, there are >1.7 million illnesses and ~270,000 deaths from sepsis in the US. Some infections caused by HAIs and antibiotic resistant pathogens can lead to sepsis.
    Solution: NCEZID increases understanding of the magnitude of the sepsis burden, assesses the impact of interventions, and educates providers about early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. NCEZID leads Get Ahead of Sepsis — a national educational effort that emphasizes preventing infections that can lead to sepsis, early recognition, timely treatment, and reassessment of antibiotics. Antibiotics are the most critical element in sepsis care, and stewardship efforts help preserve antibiotics as life-saving tools.
  6. Problem: 7 million people get sick every year from waterborne disease in the United States, resulting in 7,000 deaths and more than $3 billion in healthcare costs.
    Solution: NCEZID is creating a comprehensive estimate of US infectious waterborne disease. It identifies the top pathogens driving illness and high healthcare costs to create effective interventions for those most at risk.
Illustration showing Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious diseases