Module 2: Introduction to Planning Activities and Tools
Table of Contents
- ›Module 2: Introduction to Planning Activities and Tools
- 2.1 Logic Models
- 2.2 Legislation
- 2.3 Privacy and Confidentiality Issues
- 2.4 Partnerships and Funding
- 2.5 Communicating with Parents
- 2.6 Evaluation Questions 2
By the end of this module, participants will be able to:
- identify the basic elements and importance of legislation to support congenital anomalies surveillance;
- identify two types of reporting related to congenital anomalies surveillance legislation;
- describe voluntary and mandatory reporting, and their advantages and disadvantages;
- identify the importance of partnerships to support congenital anomalies surveillance;
- identify potential types of partners;
- describe the roles partners can play in the surveillance of congenital anomalies;
- identify ways to engage partners in surveillance work;
- identify the purpose and components of logic models;
- understand the benefits of creating a logic model;
- develop a logic model;
- describe how logic models help guide programme planning and evaluation.
Note: This module is linked to Chapter 2 of WHO/CDC/ICBDSR Birth defects surveillance: a manual for programme managers.
By the end of this module, participants will be able to:
- identify the basic elements and importance of legislation to support congenital anomalies surveillance;
- identify two types of reporting related to congenital anomalies surveillance legislation;
- describe voluntary and mandatory reporting, and their advantages and disadvantages;
- identify the importance of partnerships to support congenital anomalies surveillance;
- identify potential types of partners;
- describe the roles partners can play in the surveillance of congenital anomalies;
- identify ways to engage partners in surveillance work;
- identify the purpose and components of logic models;
- understand the benefits of creating a logic model;
- develop a logic model;
- describe how logic models help guide programme planning and evaluation.
Note: This module is linked to Chapter 2 of WHO/CDC/ICBDSR Birth defects surveillance: a manual for programme managers.