2018 Salmonella Infections Linked to Kratom (Final Update) – Recalls and Advice to Consumers

Final Update

This outbreak investigation is over. People should be aware that kratom could be contaminated with Salmonella and could make people sick. Contaminated products may still be available for purchase because the investigation was not able to identify a single, common source of contaminated kratom. Illnesses could continue to occur if people consume contaminated kratom. Read more on the Recalls and Advice to Consumers webpage.


  • Several companies recalled kratom products because they might be contaminated with Salmonella. The list of recalled kratom products is available on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration website.
  • People should not consume recalled kratom products. Consumers who bought recalled kratom products online can contact the website where it was purchased for a refund.

Advice to Consumers

People should be aware that kratom could be contaminated with Salmonella and could make them sick.

  • Contaminated products may still be available for purchase because the outbreak investigation was not able to identify a single, common source of contaminated kratom.
  • Salmonella was identified in multiple kratom products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration website has a list of these contaminated products.
    • Some of these products have not yet been recalled and may still be available for purchase or in people’s homes.
  • People who are at risk of severe Salmonella infection should avoid consuming kratom to prevent infection. People in the following groups are more likely to get a severe Salmonella infection:
    • People with weakened immune systems, including people who are receiving chemotherapy or have HIV
    • Pregnant women
    • Children younger than 5 years
    • Older adults
  • If you are considering using kratom, talk to your health care provider first, especially if you are in a group more likely to get a severe Salmonella infection.

If you choose to consume kratom, take steps to prevent spreading Salmonella germs to other people in your home.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after preparing kratom in any form.
  • Wash and sanitize countertops, utensils, and other preparation surfaces after preparing kratom in any form.
  • If you are sick, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially after using the restroom. Don’t prepare food or drinks for other people while you are sick.

Contact a healthcare provider if you think you got sick from consuming kratom.

  • Most people infected with Salmonella develop the following signs and symptoms 12-72 hours after being exposed to the bacteria:
    • Diarrhea
    • Fever
    • Abdominal cramps

Know your options.