2017 Salmonella Urbana Infections Linked to Imported Maradol Papayas (Final Update) – Epi Curves (Final Update)

Posted November 3, 2017 3:00 PM ET

This outbreak appears to be over. This outbreak was one of four separate multistate outbreaks identified in 2017 linked to imported Maradol papayas from four different farms in Mexico. For information on the other outbreaks, please visit the Reports of Salmonella Outbreak Investigations from 2017 webpage.

People infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Urbana, by date of illness onset*

People infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Urbana, by date of illness onset*, October 30, 2017

*n=7 for whom information was reported as of October 30, 2017. Some illness onset dates have been estimated from other reported information.

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